About Gabriella

Originally certified in standard hypno-therapeutic techniques suitable for the treatment of phobias, habit modification (weight loss, stopping smoking, nail biting etc) and lifestyle issues (confidence building, stress management etc), Gabriella followed her area of personal interest and became qualified as a Past Life Regressionist.

Wanting to progress even further, she completed a course in Life Between Lives™ hypnosis.

And while still being an active practitioner of her original skills, her emphasis nowadays is to help people experience worlds beyond their memories – and even beyond the imagination!


I obtained my original Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy through Alpha Hypnosis Training, New Zealand, and was a professional member of the NZAPH.

Following that I had additional training to become a Certified Past Life Regression Therapist trained by the Holistic Healing Centre, New York

Following these qualifications, I became a Certified Life Between Lives™ Therapist trained by The Newton Institute, California

About hypnotherapy

For those who imagine hypnosis as being the domain of mind control and entertainment, it may come as a bit of a surprise to learn that the "hypnotic state" is something we experience possibly on a daily basis.

To put it in simple terms, hypnosis is a natural and relaxed state of the body (similar to day-dreaming) where the critical part of the consciousness steps aside and takes an observing position, to let the sub-conscious accept guidance from the therapist with the goal of achieving targets that we may believe to be beyond our will power.

This is the experience of Life Between Lives Regression™ (LBL™). It is a journey that can open one's eyes to things that cannot be seen. To say it is a once in a lifetime experience would be inaccurate – perhaps it is a once between lifetimes experience!

Sometimes a client will not even realise that they have been hypnotised, as it is such a natural state to be in. They also remain conscious and aware the whole time, and can recall all that they wish to after completion of the session.

The Sessions

The sessions are held in a quiet side-street of Auckland's North Shore.The session begins with a discussion between Gabriella and the client to help to explain what is involved in the procedure, and to dispel some of the myths surrounding hypnosis.

The chat also helps Gabriella learn more about the client and which techniques are most suitable for the client so the session can be adapted to best serve them.

After the session, another discussion is held to comment on any significant issues or events that arose. The client is also able to choose to have their session recorded and put on beautifully personalised CD (as either audio CD for a stereo, or MP3 CD for computer) for them to review at any time in the future.

Sessions are currently available on weekends and sometimes on Mondays and Fridays. Please allow enough time for the session to be completed without time pressures breaking concentration.

Also note that no therapy can be guaranteed. While hypnosis is both a historical and revolutionary form of development, it is not magic nor an imposition of wills.

The level of success of any session will be greatly influenced by the desire of the client, as well as their ability to let themselves be guided by the practitioner.

Hypnosis is not a state forced upon an unwilling participant. It is a state of deep relaxation that the client arrives at by their own will and the guidance of the therapist.