Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression (PLR) is the application of hypno-therapeutic techniques to guide the client through early childhood experiences, and then beyond into situations that were experienced by the individual even before the current life they are living – a past life (or lives).

Many people are able to visit multiple incarnations of their time on the Earth, existing as either male or female, of different race, geographic location and point in history.

This journey can be traveled for reason of getting to know oneself, to understand needs in this life, or to help address and heal possible issues that may be faced by the individual in everyday life.

A single session may last 2 to 3 hours, and is dependent on the feedback from the client and the number of past lives visited.

Life Between Lives™

Upon a successful PLR session, a client may wish to experience the spiritual world that is inhabited by the souls in what could be termed their "natural" habitat. This is a place where energy replaces matter, and one can learn the reasons that they chose to be who they are in this life, and what goals they may have set themselves.

Some even experience the sensation of interacting with the higher beings that populate this ethereal plane and get to witness the side of life that is beyond the comprehension of the limited three-dimensional habitat that appears to contain us.

This is the experience of Life Between Lives™ Regression (LBL™). It is a journey that can open one's eyes to things that cannot be seen. To say it is a once in a lifetime experience would be inaccurate – perhaps a once between lifetimes experience!

An LBL session can take 5 or 6 hours to complete, and requires that the client have previously completed a PLR session (either with Gabriella, or another practitioner).

Additionally, at the completion of every LBL session, the client is provided with gift vouchers to the value of $100, able to be used in any future hypnotherapy session(s) with Gabriella.

If you would like to know more about Life Between Lives™ hypnotherapy, you may find this YouTube video of Michael Newton enlightening.

You may also wish to visit the FaceBook page for The Newton Institute